Monday, December 30, 2013

Visit to the Museum of the Confederacy and the Confederate White House

The Confederate White House from the Front

The Confederate White House from the back

I love the human side of the Civil War. Here are soldiers from the 3rd GA Vols

This is the write-up for the picture above.

Despite my silhouette in the background, I had never seen the "Bread of Life" Confederate flag.

This inscription describes the "Bread of Life" flag.

A glimpse of the common soldier

Corporal John O Farrell. I love reading the individual stories of soldiers like this one.

My favorite exhibit in the entire museum. If I saw this at a reenactment I would think the wearer would was a definite FARB. However, this Confederate flag shirt made its way into the Confederacy from Europe and was worn by a soldier.

Another human side I love....the letters. This was a letter written after Gettysburg.

A canteen with the initials "S.C.L" carved into it

A copy of a letter in which a soldier who knew he was dying wrote to his father

The most neglected aspect of all of my Civil War studies....the extreme western theatre. In this case...New Mexico and Arizona

More Soldiers stories

Sherman's Neck Tie. I had never seen one up close and personal before.

A collection of flags that went into the fight at Pickett's Charge in Gettysburg

Something I didn't know about flag preservation. A preservation technique that was used as late as the 1940s was stitching little seams to keep the flag together. If you look very closely you can see what I'm talking about.